A1 milk | A2 milk |
Produced from A1 cow breeds like Jersey, Murray, Danish red, Angus, etc., | Produced from desi cows like Gir, Sahiwal, Kankrej, etc., |
Only contains A1 Beta-casein protein | Only contains A2 Beta-casein protein |
A1 milk is not easy to digest | It is easy and light to digest |
Decreases immunity of the body | Boosts the immunity power |
A1 milk yields BCM-7 | Does not yield BCM-7 |
Causes bloating, stomach upsets and ulcers | Strengthens digestive system and treats acidity |
Low in nutrients | A Whole pack of nutrients |
Cows is subjected to hormone injections for the high yield of milk. | No use of growth hormones, injections, antibiotics, and GMO. Cows naturally produce 5-12 liters per day. |
Kankrej is one of the ancient cow breeds of India. They are active and robust. They are good milkers that yield 5-12 liters of milk every day. Kankrej breeds are usually resistant to tick fever. The hump in males is firm but not well developed. Kankrej is best used for agricultural operations and road transport
Gir cow breeds are the most intelligent and smart breed of cows. Gir generally doesn’t need much training as compared to other cow breeds. Gir cows are tolerant to stress conditions and resistant to various tropical diseases. Gir may produce 5-15 liters of milk each day. The name ‘Gir’ is kept for cows based on the geographical area of origin. Gir has the capacity of yielding more milk with less feeding. As per Vedas, Gir cows absorb all the nutrients and positive energy from nature and transform them into valuable nutrients. So consuming milk and milk products from the desi cows are more healthy for the human body.